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EOS Mark 1Dn |
Specification: |
Max resolution - 3504 x 2336
Low resolution - 3104 x 2072, 2544 x 1696, 1728 x 1152
Image ratio w:h - 3:2
Effective pixels - 8.2 million
Sensor photo detectors - 8.5 million
Sensor size - 28.7 x 19.1 mm
Sensor type - CMOS
Sensor manufacturer - Canon
ISO rating - 100 - 1600 in 1/3 stops, plus 50 and 3200 as options
Auto Focus - Yes
Manual Focus - Yes
Auto focus type - TTL-AREA-SIR with CMOS sensor
White balance override - 8 positions & manual preset and 3 memories
Min shutter - 30 sec + Bulb
Max shutter - 1/8000 sec
External flash - Yes, hot-shoe & sync
Flash modes - External
Exposure compensation - -3 to +3 EV in 1/3 EV or 1/2 EV steps
Metering - 21 area eval, partial, spot (center, AF point, multi-spot), center-weighted average
Aperture priority - Yes
Shutter priority - Yes
Focal length multiplier - 1.3
Lens thread - Canon EOS EF mount
Continuous Drive - Yes, 8.5 fps max 40 JPEG or 20 RAW
Self-timer - 2 or 10 sec
Timelapse recording - Yes, by cable and PC
Orientation sensor - Yes
Storage types - Compact Flash (Type I or II), SD card
Uncompressed format - RAW
Compressed format - JPEG (EXIF 2.2)
Quality Levels - Fine, Normal (can have ratios programmed)
Viewfinder - TTL
LCD - 2.5 "
LCD Pixels - 230,000
Video out - Yes
USB - Yes
Firewire (IEEE 1394) - Yes
Battery / Charger - Yes
Battery - Canon Ni-MH battery pack & Double Charger
Weight (inc. batteries) - 1565 g (55.2 oz)
Dimensions - 156 x 158 x 80 mm (6.1 x 6.2 x 3.2 in) |
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Review: |
Steve's Digicams reviewed EOS-1D Mark II n and wrote:
"The Mark II N is a more robust performer than its predecessor. From power-on until the first shot was captured took only 3/10 second, the same time it took to wake it from auto power off and capture the first shot; you will not miss many unposed spontaneous moments with the Mark II N in your hands. Pre-focused shutter lag is almost non-existent, measuring less than 1/10 second. Autofocus shutter lag varied based on the number of AF points being used; it ranged from a remarkably fast 1/10 second when using the center AF point to 4/10 second when using auto AF point selection; the Mark II N's shutter lag was essentially the equal of its predecessor. Shot-to-shot performance was improved from the Mark II; I was able to capture images at 3/10 second intervals in single shooting mode using the center AF point, beating the Mark II by 2/10 second! A Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L lens was used for this test."
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Sample images at Steve's Digicams
DigitalCameraInfo reviewed EOS-1D Mark II n and wrote: "The EOS-1D Mark II n is an excellent camera. We can easily praise the image quality and the speed and accuracy of its mechanical operations. As heavy as it is, it balances well in the hands, and the controls and dials work smoothly and quickly. Our complaints about having to combine buttons and dials to set simple controls does not detract from our overall impression that the camera is an excellent piece of equipment and the added security will likely appeal to some users. The relatively few photographers out there who need this kind of speed and are on the fence between Canon and Nikon (without prior lens investment) should probably buy this camera. The EOS-1D Mark II n is the fastest DSLR available, at 8.5 fps, and it has twice the resolution of the runner-up, the Nikon D2Hs. The Nikon seems to have an edge in some focusing situations, and I liked aspects of its interface better, but it's hard to argue against doubling one's resolution. If speed is less of an issue, spending another $1000 for the Nikon D2X is a viable option, with half the resolution, apparently gorgeous image quality, and a (kind of odd) 8 fps / 6 MP mode of its own."
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The Digital Picture reviewed EOS-1D Mark II n and wrote:
"Are you photographing sports or other fast-moving action? There is probably no better camera available for this purpose. With an excellent 45-point, high sensitivity autofocus system paired to a rugged, weather-sealed body capable of firing 8.5 very high quality frames per second into a deep buffer, the Canon EOS 1D Mark II N is ideally suited to capture every moment of fast action."
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Sample images at The Digital Picture
CNET reviewed EOS-1D Mark II n and wrote:
"Mark II images also have very little sharpening applied right out of the box. Some people may be put off by the resulting softness of the images, but we like this approach, because it allows you more control in applying your own sharpening afterwards. If you prefer to apply sharpening in-camera, we recommend using a sharpness setting of 3 or 4. Because of its high resolution and superb image quality, the Mark II N will demand a lot from your lenses. For example, our 1.4x teleconverter, which worked perfectly on the EOS-1D, doesn't give us sharp results on the Mark II. The camera's high resolution shows even the slightest imperfections, so you'll have to use the highest-quality lenses to get the best results."
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Sample images at CNET
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