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Seven ways to the perfect family photo by Truprint
However simple or snazzy your camera, the basics of taking a great photo remain the same.
Follow our seven rules and you'll soon have a brilliant collection of pictures that you'll want to share with your friends.
And that's the simplest bit of all. Go to www.truprint.co.uk and you can quickly and easily upload all your photographs. Then send friends and family a link and they can enjoy your pictures too, wherever they are in the world.
You can put as many photos as you like on there and it's free. Most of us still like to get proper prints, and that's easy too. Select your favourite photos, choose the size and finish, and Truprint will print them and deliver them to your door in a matter of days.
The professional quality is astounding and all for as little as 8p per print.
So what's stopping you? Snap to it!
Seven ways to the perfect shot
1 Get a grip
A firm but gentle grip on your camera will ensure sharper pictures. Stay steady by tucking in your elbows and keeping your feet slightly apart, and make sure your fingers are not over the lens.
2 Compose yourself
A few seconds spent on composition can transform a dull picture into something magical. Don't just point and shoot - assess the scene and find the best bits. Then frame your picture carefully. Put your subject to one side, rather than bang in the middle, as this will add impact.
3 Another point of view
Too many pictures of pets and children are taken from above. Go down to their level to capture them looking more natural. Then get in close. Instead of squinting at the distant figure on your picture, you'll be dazzled by the detail.
4 Light it or not
Natural light almost always looks better than flash light. Direct your subjects next to a window and ask them to look towards it. Better still, take them outside. When you need to use it, remember that the built-in flash on your camera will only work to a distance of about 4-5m away.
5 Sharpen up
Digital cameras commonly have autofocus which will ensure most of your pictures stay sharp. But the camera focuses in the centre of the frame, which could leave
your subject fuzzy if they are to one side. If your camera has autofocus lock, now's the time to use it. Point your camera at the subject, activate the lock - usually by pressing the shutter halfway down - recompose your picture and, hey presto, all is clear.
6 Candid camera
Some of the best pictures are taken when the people in them had no idea they were being photographed. This doesn't mean you have to hide in the bushes with a telephoto lens - although a zoom can keep you out of your subject's way. If you take lots of shots, children soon become impervious to the camera, allowing you to capture them at play. 7 Don't stop / The joy of digital photography is that you can take as many pictures as you like. The more you take, the more likely you are to shoot pictures that everyone will love.
About the Author
Real Photos - Real Easy www.truprint.co.uk
UK delivery only. If you would like to use this article please contact feedback@truprint.co.uk

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