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Underwater Cameras - Taking You to New Depths

Do you know that Nikon and Rolleimarin are the pioneers who designed the ideal underwater cameras and their high quality housing which was tested on site by explorer and photographer Hans Hass. They laid the foundation for an ideal underwater camera.
Are you ready for underwater photography? Decide the type of photographs you will be shooting. This is an essential point prior to selecting a suitable underwater camera. Different categories need different camera configuration, lens and flash. The underwater camera should be cost effective, reliable, and easy to use and need very low maintenance. Select a camera which is tough enough to withstand the inevitable knocks underwater. The depth of the site to be photographed also plays a role in the result you get.
If you are an enthusiastic diver interested in underwater photography then opt for a camera which can give a good result up to a depth of 164 feet and not need a large number of batteries and also should use regular 35 MM film. The most important features needed in an underwater camera are the wide angle lens, sports viewfinder, a large lever to operate the shutter and auto winding. Check the availability of other special features such as film advance, automatic & manual flash activation, pressure sensor, rubber armored grip design. For more info visit www.underwaterfun.info
In this age of computers and digital media, one wonders why the underwater camera took such a long time to move ahead from their basic models. Present day digital cameras come with excellent resolutions and colour sensitivity. They nicely balance and filter colors along with many special features. However digital cameras with their small housings do not meet the basic requirements for underwater use.
Another option is the multi purpose digital underwater camera, which can be used underwater and on land. This type of dual purpose digital camera gives clear and vivid images underwater and on land.
Check whether the underwater camera has special features to capture fast moving creatures such as fish. The camera should also have feature to overcome the low light conditions prevailing under the sea. The problem with digital camera is once you fill your memory stick then you have to download the captured digital images to a computer and erase the images from the stick for reuse. It is better to carry additional memory sticks for underwater photography.
When it comes to the question of servicing the underwater cameras it should be noted that there are very few service centres and many of the underwater camera manufacturers insists on preventive maintenance to keep alive the warranty for their products.
Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find more articles here. For more info visit Underwater Cameras or Disposable U/W Cameras

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lucy_Bartlett

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